• CRCBuilder_Python3            

          To build Core Regulatory Circuitry from H3K27ac ChIP-seq data

    1)Install Miniconda environment:
          wget https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/anaconda/miniconda/Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh
          bash Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh
          source ~/.bashrc
          conda config --add channels http://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/anaconda/pkgs/free
          conda config --add channels http://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/anaconda/cloud/conda-forge
          conda config --add channels http://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/anaconda/cloud/bioconda
          conda config --set show_channel_urls yes
    2)conda create -n crcbuilder python=3.8
          source activate crcbuilder
          conda install -c pwwang bwtool
          conda install -c bioconda meme
          conda install -c bioconda pyfasta
          conda install -c conda-forge networkx
          conda install -c conda-forge matplotlib-base

          Fasta files for the genome(e.g. hg38.fa) used must be placed in a directory that will be specified when runing the program (-f option). They can be downloaded from ftp://hgdownload.soe.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/hg38/bigZips/ (it will need to be unzipped)
          The bigwig(.bw or .bigwig) file of sequencing reads for H3K27ac and its super-enhancer table (_peaks_SuperEnhancers.table.xls) generated by ROSE software. The filenames should begin with the same words. e.g.: Hela_1-H3K27ac.bw  Hela_1-H3K27ac_peaks_SuperEnhancers.table.xls

          CRCBuilder.py: main program
          utils.py: utility methods
          TFlist_NMid_hg.txt: TFs used and their human NMIDs
          source/CIS_BP_HOCOMOCOv11_motif.meme: Motifs library
          source/MotifDictionary.txt: TFs used and their associated motif names

          The program is run by calling CRCBuilder.py from the directory containing all the documents:
          python CRCBuilder.py -s [--step] -b [--bw_dir] -f [--fasta]
          -s [--step]
            Select the step to start with (CalculatePromoterActivity(CPA) / findCanidateTFs(FCT) / findMotifs(FM) / buildCRCs(BC)).
          -b [--bw_dir]
            The directory contains bigwig files for H3K27ac sequencing reads.
          -f [--fasta]
            The path of fasta file for the genome version used, the suffix must be '.fa' or '.fasta'.

          python CRCBuilder.py -s CPA -b /mnt/data/Hela-H3K27ac/ -f /mnt/genome/hg38.fa
          python CRCBuilder.py -s FM -b /mnt/data/Hela-H3K27ac/
            (-f option could be omitted in step findMotifs(FM) and buildCRCs(BC))

          SAMPLE_*_ASSIGNMENT_GENES.txt: list of gene names for genes assigned to SEs.
          SAMPLE_*_ASSIGNMENT_TRANSCRIPTS.txt: Transcripts NMIDs for transcripts assigned to SEs.
          SAMPLE_*_bg.meme: DNA background sequence file used with FIMO.
          SAMPLE_*_CANDIDATE_TF_AND_SUPER_TABLE.txt : table containing the candidate TFs and the location of their associated SEs.
          SAMPLE_*_connections.txt : table containing TF-TF interconnections.
          SAMPLE_*_EXPRESSED_GENES.txt: list of genes considered expressed (top 2/3).
          SAMPLE_*_EXPRESSED_TRANSCRIPTS.txt: list of transcripts considered expressed.
          SAMPLE_*_SUBPEAKS.fa: fasta file of SE constituent sequences used with FIMO.
          mergeAUTOREG_*.txt: list of TFs gene names predicted to bind their own SE.
          mergeCRC_SCORES_*.txt: all possible CRCs, ranked based on the average frequency of occurrence of the TFs they contain across all the possible interconnected auto regulatory loops.

          Submit the CRC members extracted from mergeCRC_SCORES_*.txt:


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